Friday, February 21, 2025

Wall Mounted Betta Tank on Sale for Secret Sale!


Welcome Jiansters! This week for the Secret Sale, we have the Wall-Mounted Betta Tank! It's pretty great, and a steal, for 50L, this weekend only.

The Secret Sale Starts Saturday at Midnight and Runs all weekend!

☛ TP to JIAN Pets by Clicking Here  

Friday, January 3, 2025

A Tower of Kitties and a Tank of Bettas, only 50L each this Weekend Only!

Nothing fishy here, folks! Just a couple decor items to add LIFE into your home!
The first, for Saturday Sale, is the Wall-Mounted Betta Tank! Put it high! Put it low! Put as many fish in it as you like! Because luckily, these betta all seem to get along swimmingly! (EH? EH?)

Next, we have a high rise, or rather a five tiered tower of kittens lounging and enjoying the easy life! 
Only 50L for the Secret Sale!

Click this Blog Entry for a picture with a bit more information, and as always, a taxi to your favorite place to add to your virtual menagerie--JIAN Pets!

Friday, December 27, 2024

New Year, New Naps!


2025 is around the corner, and while we all have different hopes and dreams, fears and challenges to face, one thing is for certain. A lot of us could use a nap, especially after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Your fuzzy friends are not exempt from this rule, and one must admit that they are almost always a calming naptime companion. 

While these items for sale are not new, they are discounted, in the last weekend sale before the New Year!

What sorts of adventures do you and your pets dream of going in the new year?

What sort of creatures do you dream of being by your side?

Maybe Jian might make this dream come true one day! 

For now, enjoy the Doge Tent, only 50L for The Saturday Sale, and The Ragdoll Cat Snoozing Chair, only 50L for the Secret Sale. Click this Blog Entry for an image of the Ragdoll in their comfy chair, and get a taxi to your favorite pet dealer, Jian.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Last Weekend Sale before Christmas! Pugs Sleepin' Cutely! Puppies puppin' naughtily!


'Twas the Night Before Christmas, and all had just supped,

The living room now was the territory of pups.

They frolicked and played and tore giftwrap asunder,

Then fell asleep at the mantle, each one one of them under.

Where to find them? Come when you can;

This weekend both sets are on sale at Jian. 

(Click this blog entry for more info and a taxi to the main store!)

Friday, December 13, 2024

Warm up with our Saint Bernards, on Sale this weekend!


Another beautiful December, and whatever the weather, it's always the season for more adorable pets from Jian! This week, the St. Bernard collection is on sale, deeply discounted for the Saturday Sale and the Secret Sale!  (Classic Puppies / Held Puppies for Sat Sale, Classic Adult St Bernards and Decor Set for Secret Sale!)  Each set is only 50L, but like the winter wind, these prices will be blowing away soon!

Click this blog entry for more images and a taxi to your favorite SL Pet Store, and add to your Merry Menagerie today!

Friday, November 29, 2024

BLACK FRIDAY 50% OFF, Plus Weekend Sales!

It's the sort of thing that only happens once a year! JIAN Pet's Black Friday Sale!

Take 50% off of purchases made at the main store OR the marketplace, from now until December 2nd!

Fill up your menagerie for half the price, for a limited time only!

We also have the Guinea Pig Collection discounted to 50L for the Secret Sale, as well as the Ragdoll Snoozing Chair set for 75L for the Saturday Sale.

These sales won't last, and as soon as you can say "Holly Jolly Christmas" they'll be gone!

So don't wait!

 Click this blog entry for a landmark to Jian's main store, as well as grab a link to the marketplace shop for your shopping convenience!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

NEW at the FIfty : Kitty X-Mas Tree Hideaways!


You hear that jing-jing-jingling? Sounds like Christmas is on it's way! Make your home a little more jolly with these kitties and their cozy little tree! The tree comes with 8 preset textures and is 3LI. This package also includes 3 varieties of animesh cats (with full texture huds) all ready to be snug in the tree at 53LI each. Low on prims? IT also has a static Sleeping Cat weighing in at only 2LI each at included size.
So what are you waiting for? Head on down to The Fifty now!

> > TP to THE FIFTY < <