Thursday, November 24, 2016

Holiday Huskies & Merry Meeces :: The Arcade

Holiday Huskies @ The Arcade December 2016   JIAN Merry Meeces (The Arcade December 2016)

Available now at the December round of The Arcade!
Click the post to read more!

Holiday Huskies:

16 commons, 3 rares, 19 to collect!
50L per play.

Holiday Huskies to hold, hang in stockings, hide in gifts and... well, dang.  I don't have an 'H' word for the last adorable dude tangled in some Christmas lights, but HOLY moly (ahaa, see what I did there?) he's cuter'n a box of hamsters.

Merry Meeces:

7 commons, 1 rare, 8 to collect!
50L per play

Rezzable, decorative mouses.. er.. mices.. uh.. MEECES for all your festive holiday rodent needs!  Each has texture change fur and is guaranteed disease free.  (Some include texture change object options as well.)