Dolphin Deco Collection @ FaMESHed!
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Our new dolphin deco collection features an array of adult and baby dolphins in 5 species texture choices that wander and animate on your land in a variety of ways!
Details of all included:
Adult & Baby Dolphin Versions
5 Species Texture Options
Deep / Surface Wanderers 9 / 8 LI
Free-wandering animated animals
Deep Surface scripted to wander underwater
Surface dolphin skims the surface of water and breeches with
water particles
Jumping Dolphin 12 LI
Stationary animated animal
Floats at surface and leaps out of water, landing back down
with a splash of particles
Orbiter Dolphins (L/R) 4 LI
Animals that swim in a define-able radius circle
Moves either a clockwise or counterclockwise (L/R)
Static Frame Changer 2 LI
Rezzed animated stationary decor
Each has 8 ‘frames’ of static animation to choose from
Other Menu Options Include:
resizing, animation on/off
Swim by and pick yours up at FaMESHed starting today at noon SLT!