Friday, March 22, 2024

Sweet Spring Bargains Swimming into Jian this weekend! Longfin Tetra for Sunday Sale, Bunny Decor for Secret Sale!

It's another fabulous weekend in March--and only one week away from Easter!

Celebrate the arrival of spring with some of our colorful pets. For Saturday Sale, we have the Longfin Tetras, both the spawners and the aquarium on special for 75L each! 

For the Secret Sale, we have our adorable Bunny Patch Prowlers. One's extra hungry, the other's digging a getaway! Don't let this deal escape!

 The Saturday Sale item is available NOW through Sunday!

The Secret Sale starts Midnight on Saturday and lasts all weekend!

☛ TP to JIAN Pets by Clicking Here  

 The Saturday Sale item is available NOW through Sunday!

The Secret Sale starts Midnight on Saturday and lasts all weekend!

☛ TP to JIAN Pets by Clicking Here