Friday, February 21, 2025

Wall Mounted Betta Tank on Sale for Secret Sale!


Welcome Jiansters! This week for the Secret Sale, we have the Wall-Mounted Betta Tank! It's pretty great, and a steal, for 50L, this weekend only.

The Secret Sale Starts Saturday at Midnight and Runs all weekend!

☛ TP to JIAN Pets by Clicking Here  

Friday, January 3, 2025

A Tower of Kitties and a Tank of Bettas, only 50L each this Weekend Only!

Nothing fishy here, folks! Just a couple decor items to add LIFE into your home!
The first, for Saturday Sale, is the Wall-Mounted Betta Tank! Put it high! Put it low! Put as many fish in it as you like! Because luckily, these betta all seem to get along swimmingly! (EH? EH?)

Next, we have a high rise, or rather a five tiered tower of kittens lounging and enjoying the easy life! 
Only 50L for the Secret Sale!

Click this Blog Entry for a picture with a bit more information, and as always, a taxi to your favorite place to add to your virtual menagerie--JIAN Pets!