Thursday, May 9, 2024

Persian Cats and Kitties Purrrring into FLF and The Saturday Sale this Weekend!


Me-Ow! This little gang of kitties is ready to eat fish, kick butt and cuddle--but the fish made them sleepy so they're just gonna skip to cuddling!

The Classic Persian Kitties are on sale this weekend for 50L for Fifty Linden Friday, the Classic Persian Cats are on sale for 50L for the Saturday Sale!  Both are non-animesh, and include two versions to wear, two versions to rez, and five fur textures!

If you love cats, don't miss out on this sale, these babies haven't been on sale for quite some time~!

Click this Blog Entry for a picture of the set up for sale for The Saturday Sale, and get a taxi to JIAN Pets!

The sale is on NOW!

☛ TP to JIAN Pets by Clicking Here